An Appraizmt of John Bells Estate decd August the 14th 1682

lbs tobo
Itm one Cow, one heifer, the Cow seven yeare old the heifer 2 yeares old 1 Cow Calf0700
It One Mare Coult newly foald0100
It One old Chest without a Lock0040
It One old flock bed three blancketts one rugg0080
Item One old Cloath Searge Coate & britches one Caster hatt & one old Kersey Coat and Breetches & a Cotton wastcoat three old Shirts very much worne0350
Item One pair of french falls one Pair of Canvas drawers well worne0025
Item One branding Iron0010
Item Due to bee paid to John Bell from Samll Richardson0600
Item Dew to John Bell from Thomas Thorpe£00:10:00 Sterl

made by us
Christopher Pearson
Leonard Dickenson
Robert Perriman

24th of August 1682
Sworne to in open Court by Henry Richardson to bee a full & true acct of the sd Bells Estate & is recorded
Test E Jenings Cl. Cur.